


03-19-2003   Day 5

 Today has been a day of ups and downs. We started out with no calls from the hospital, which was good. Robbie had a good night last night with his fever dropping in the early Morning hours.  The pnumonia scare was short lived and his lungs are back to operating normally. He had come off most off the drugs by early morning and we have been waiting for him to wake up. So most of the day was just waiting. He had a cat-scan and an EEG during the day. We talked with the neuro surgeon at around 7PM and he was a little concerned that Robbie wasn’t showing any signs of waking up by now. He did say that it could possibly take a week or more… everyone is different and it might still be the drugs in him.  So now it is just wait and see. His Body is operating just fine now and we are waiting for the brain to start functioning.




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