03-21-2003   Day 7

 We’re sorry for the late update but yesterday found us coming home and just flopping into bed. Robbie is stable body wise just running a fever of 103 with pneumonia. They say this is common in his condition. Just waiting for him to wake up….. It has always been a chore to wake that kid so nothing is new there either. His skin color is returning and he looks better all the time. We feel that waking him will be the biggest fight in this whole ordeal.

  Allanah is not doing very good. She is hanging on but struggling.

  Judy (Robbie’s second mom), Colby and Keegan (Judy’s kids) have been a real help to us. Judy arrived here Monday night and has been cooking, cleaning, and helping us with those everyday chores. Thank You Judy for the your great moral support too. Her mom (Jeanie) and sister (Sheri) will be here tonight.

 We really want to thank everyone for your well wishes and support as Well.

 Robbie has had many visitors come to see him. We encourage visits and you are welcome to come visit him too.       

 That is where we are now still waiting. We are now off to the hospital again to see Robbie and Allanah And I will try to write tonight about their condition.

 Love You All,

 John and Marleen  


 03-21-2003   Day 7 (evening) 

   This Morning when we got to the hospital we found out that Robbie’s pupils were reacting to light… unevenly but reacting. His blood still shows signs of the pentobarbital that they used to put him in a deeper coma. Since his pupils haven’t reacted to anything since the accident we are seeing this as a good sign. His temperature is running around 103 and he is having a little problem with his lungs (They say this is pretty common for lying in a bed this long). Robbie’s entire body has been swollen and part of his head is shaven. For most of this ordeal up until today he really didn’t look like the guy you know. This morning we made some 8x10 photos to hang in his room so the hospital staff could see what he looks like out of the hospital. We are sending those pictures as an attachment to this email. We are thankful to have made it through this week. It is still a question as to IF and WHEN Robbie will wake up and what condition he will be in IF he wakes up. We consider this to be the biggest hurdle for him to get over.  

   We are sorry that Allanah is not doing very well. She has massive injuries and infections. She and the hospital are really going through some major battles now. Please direct all your energy towards her for she really needs it during this time period.

 We want to thank everyone that have visited Robbie and for all the emails of support.

 It is still a time of waiting to see what will happen.

 Love You All,

 John, Marleen and Karen          

03-22-2003 Day 8

 They spent the day trying to keep Robbie from over breathing the respirator. They had it set on 26 breaths per minute but he was breathing at 40 which dropped his saturation levels. They finally had to paralyze and sedate him so the machine would breath for him at 26 breaths per minute which raised his saturations. They also did a spinal tap just to see how he is doing…. Results will be in tomorrow. Karen said she is feeling his energy and aura. It is still one day at a time.

 Air One had a flight into Parkland today and the crew (Donna, Mark and Mike) came by to see Robbie (Air One is the Air Ambulance service I fly for)….. Thanks for coming by….. It sure helped….  Also Dr Bolak and his family came by to see Robbie (He is Marleen’s Boss). Yesterday Robbie had visitors from his School where he is taking night classes…. His teacher and classmates showed up plus some other friends of his too. He is doing better everyday…… When his breathing gets really under control they will start to wake him again. We think this will happen tomorrow.

 Allanah had her kidney’s shut down for about a day and a half which really scared us. They started working again today and she is now responding to the antibiotics. It is a turn for the better. Her parents look like they have finally gotten some much needed rest too. It is just a day at a time for them too.

  From the emails I have received I am glad you like the pictures I sent of Robbie. I will continue too keep everyone informed. Now I am going to get some sleep.

 John, Marleen and Karen  


Here is where the accident happen (Just in front of the red car).

Sheri, Jeanie, Judy, Karen and Marleen at the ICU Parkland





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