


12-18-2003, Day 279, Week 39 (Thursday)

Hi Out There,

 It has now been one month since the last update, finally got time to sit down and type this thing out. In last month’s email I mentioned that Robbie was back in the hospital. He spent 7 days there and was released on the 23rd of November (Sunday). They kept him there for an urinary tract infection and he was receiving antibiotics by IV. Robbie has been back at the house for 25 days this time. Marleen has been doing a great job at taking care of him like only a mother could. She has been doing his wound care for the three bad wounds on his right leg…. On Tuesday Robbie had an appointment at the wound care center and they said the wounds are really healing good. The Doctor there is very pleased with the progress he is making and the treatment he is getting from Marleen.

 A couple of months ago I bought a van on ebay that has a wheelchair lift for Robbie. It is a 1986 GMC with 75,000 miles on it. I paid $2500, which was a very good deal. It has given us the transportation we need to get Robbie to his doctor’s appointments and to just get him out of the house. Marleen brought Robbie down to the hospital where I work on Thanksgiving for I had to work that day. It was a 115-mile trip and he really took it well. It was also a test run to see how he would do on a trip. Yesterday we took Robbie out to the mall for some Christmas shopping. He is now spending more time in his wheelchair and seems to like it.

 Robbie is still taking antibiotics for the urinary infection and we hope by next week it will be over with. His physical condition is very good. His weight has stabilized at 108lbs. He is sleeping right now and slept very well last night. His metal condition is still the same. That is to say he will open his eyes when he is awake but there is no intentional movement. He is still in a vegetative state, which is what they call his condition. We still have not given up hope that he will awake and recognize something. At times we think that maybe he is thinking on the inside but just can’t show it in the traditional ways that we are use to seeing. We are very positive and just waiting for the dots in the brain to connect.    

By the way there is still time to get your calendar for next year (2004)… in case you forgot…. It is a calendar for your computer’s desktop. The price is just $20.00 that includes shipping and handling. You can order it by sending cash, check or money order to Me… at:

John Grinnell

2200 Tree House Lane      

Plano, Tx 75023

 This is also the address where you can come by and visit Robbie. To those of you that have ordered the calendar they are being shipped out today and tomorrow. I have not cashed your checks yet but will do that soon.

Have a Very Merry Holiday Season from all of us…..

Love You All,

John, Marleen and Karen Grinnell

Just click on the link below for Robbie’s web page:

Saturday December 13, 2003

Pretty lights at dads work

Monday December 15, 2003

Daily job of caring for my wounds helps them heal


Mom is trimming my nails 

Wednesday December 17, 2003

We're going Christmas shopping



Walking around the mall to see what we can get for Christmas gifts





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