



The next couple of web pages will show you what some of Robbie's and our days are like.


Sunday October 26, 2003

Looking at his wounds... they are deep

Tuesday October 28, 2003 

A regular Doctors Appointment involves an Ambulance Ride

 Leaving Plano Specialty Hospital back to Aston Center 


 Arriving the Aston Center Downtown


Elevator rides are fun, Trying to fit everyone in them


 Dr. Starr checking Robbie's progress on his leg. 


Another ride in the elevator to see the Neuro-surgeon next 

 Back to Plano Specialty

 Nice little Trip

Friday October 31, 2003 (Halloween)

 Decided I didn't like the mask. 

So I'm trying a arm brace as costume instead, I don't like it either.

Tuesday November 4, 2003

Marleen learning wound care from Emily 

 Getting ready to treat him at home              Robbie wants to go Home        





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