


04-30-2003 Day 47 (Wednesday)

 Robbie is still doing much better than the day before. As we have said everyday there is just something more to add and today is the same. We noticed that he is moving his eyes to the right a little more, also got him to chewing while cleaning his mouth and getting his mouth guard out. They started to let him breath on his own again and he did real good. This evening he was resting very easy with a low heart rate and a low breathing rate. He was very relaxed and his limbs were easy to move. He also had his staples removed from his amputated leg and the stitches removed from the broken leg wound site. Robbie also got a workout from physical therapy today. 

John, Marleen and Karen Grinnell



05-01-2003 Day 48 (Thursday)

  Well no news is good news unless you work for a news station where you need news. We are happy to say Robbie is still doing very well. He is now off the vent and just breathing O2 on his own from a tube. His eyes were opened most of the day but he is still in a coma. He looks very relaxed in his hospital bed. With all that said we have one more visit with him tonight then we will be off to bed to start another day too.  

 John, Marleen and Karen Grinnell


05-02-2003 Day 49 (Friday…. 7 long weeks)

 Yes it has been 7 long weeks now…. Things seem to be slowing down now and getting to be more of a routine with Robbie. We are expecting next week that he will be back at Plano Specialty Hospital if he continues like he has been doing. I am starting to work on a website for him that will have pictures of Robbie in the hospital, of the car and the police reports for all of you to see. I have talked to his lawyer about the website and he said it was all right to display the material. I know your imaginations must be running wild as to these things…. Like what does he look like? What did the car look like? And etc …. So instead of sending them with the email and offending some of you who really don’t want to see these things I will put them on the website and let everyone make their own choice. In a few days I will give out the website address.

 John, Marleen and Karen Grinnell



Robbie's new home at Medical center of Plano 


The Gauze in his mouth is there to keep him from chewing on his lips




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