


04-25-2003 Day 42 (Friday)

 It has now been exactly 6 weeks and Robbie has found a new home today. He moved to Plano Specialty Hospital, 1621 Coit Road, Plano, Tx 75075…. Room 102. That’s right he is now out of the ICU at Parkland. They moved him at 16:30 this afternoon. We are very happy about this since it is 3.5 miles from the house instead of 27 miles. His visiting hours are from 8AM to 8PM. It is a 30 bed hospital so he will be getting some very good attention there. They are a Rehabilitation Hospital too and he will start with his Rehab schedule tomorrow. They also specialize with patients in a coma and helping them to wake up. The move came quicker than we thought or anticipated. Just this morning we went by the specialty hospital to look it over and meet with the staff. We were pleased with their operation and they told us they might have some beds opening up on Monday. We guess they had some discharges after we were there which turned out good for Robbie. So he got to take a little road trip today during rush hour.

 Now on to the vote… For all of you that voted for him to keep his Gall Bladder…. Try again… We talked with his main Doctor today and he told us the Gall Bladder will be removed in a month or two. Something about the hole they put in will close as scar tissue but will be a weak point and to be on the safe side and not having it open up it needs to be removed. OH well can’t win them All…

John, Marleen and Karen Grinnell


Marleen adjusting Robbie's arm brace to keep his wrist straight

Time to move to Plano Specialty Hospital



Robbie is in the ambulance on the left 

Her he is being off loaded at his new home

What a trip... Think I will relax 




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