


04-1-2003 Day 18

  What can we say……….. still getting little signs of him getting better. He will open and close his eyes for us. When asked to wiggle his fingers we can feel him pressing down with his hands. He can also slowly raise his breathing rate and heart rate for us then slow them down again. We are getting really familiar with the inside of Parkland and McDonalds. Can you believe it….. They have a McDonalds in the middle of the hospital and I am getting the same toy everyday with my Happy Meal. One would think they would run out of those Inspector Gadget Scooters…. I really wanted one of those cars…. Maybe they will get a new shipment in….. they are fun to play with in the hallway while waiting to see Robbie. We tell him everyday that you all are rooting for him and wish him a speeding recovery. 


John, Marleen and Karen Grinnell

04-2-2003 Day 19

 Today was the same as yesterday…. He is still hanging in there with promising signs so it might be a while……


John, Marleen and Karen Grinnell


Look Ma.... no tubes coming out of the nose

Robbie has a new shoe.....





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